One day, Keloğlans mother gave him a book. This was the only legacy his father had left him before he died. Opening the book with curiosity, Kelolan found in it an interesting map and a message: My son, this is the only legacy I can ever leave for you. Only to you does this belong. Spend it however you please. But take care that you gain something as you spend. Kelolan read these riddle-like words over and over. Gain something as you spend... The more he pondered, the more he wondered... How could you spend and gain something at the same time?

An entertaining fairy-tale about friendship, freedom and kindness...

Format :Kitap
Barkod :9789944170529
Yayın Tarihi :2000-01-01
Yayın Dili :Türkçe
Orjinal Adı :Keloğlan in the Land of the Silent
Sayfa Sayısı :24
Kapak :Ciltli
Kağıt :1.Hamur
Boyut :21 X 26
Emeği Geçenler :
Yazar   : Melike Günyüz
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