There is no trouble from Germany. That was what the goverment thougth but what about the Scudder`s little note - book? He had been working on his poject for a long time and he was sure that the spies from Germany were in England and was planning to kill teh Prime Minister of Greece in England to start the war.

Format :Kitap
Barkod :9789756659090
Yayın Tarihi :2011-12-30
Yayın Dili :Türkçe
Orjinal Adı :The Thirty Nine Steps (Cd'li-Stage 5)
Baskı Sayısı :1.Baskı
Sayfa Sayısı :100
Kapak :Karton
Kağıt :2.Hamur
Boyut :135 X 195
Emeği Geçenler :
Yazar   : John Buchan
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