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Toplam 32 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1
"No ," said Mr. Darling. Épeter pan is not real.I don't want to hear of him again."But he was sure Peter Pan had visited the children's room the previous night when he saw the leaves in Wendy's hand.
Edgar Allan Poe writes about terrible people with strange ideas, people who like killing. These stories of murder and mystery will fighten you! You will be astonished when you read what crazy minds can do.
Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! I heard the parrot singing. Now I was sure that I was in the middle of a big trouble. I had been very close to the treasure but now it seemed impossble. They had already taken in and I was too weak to fight against them. I did not know where my friends were.
A girl who cannot talk tries to tell the mystery of the woman in the mirror. But nobody want to understand her. Will they belive her when they are prisoned in the tower?
There is no trouble from Germany. That was what the goverment thougth but what about the Scudder`s little note - book? He had been working on his poject for a long time and he was sure that the spies from Germany were in England and was planning to kill teh Prime Minister of Greece in England to start the war.
I wish said Dorian. I wish the porrait in his picture would grow older not me. Dorian did not know what kind of disaster would hic wish bring him. He was happy at first He was Prince Charming but what would happen in the end?
He was born to be the lead dog. The law of clup had tought him how to act in the wild. Now he was one of the part of this hard life. He could not stop himself from going after the call of the wild. Buck tought the would find himself when he found out who that call came from.
Soon we were in the pinewoods. Sweat had started to run into my eyes, my berath made a sharp whistle. and when I was that even this remote wood was not far enough, hta she meant to take me to the high moors, I meant to show this woman taht I was not the sort of boy to be chucked over that Spartean cliff, and with a dry throat and a pumming hearth I kept on.
Silas Marner, you have done a terrible thing. You are not now a member of our church. You may return to it only on these conditions: you must give back the money: you must be sorry for your fault; and you must pomise to change your way of life. Silas listened without a word. He knew he had nothing to do.
Toplam 32 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1